# @HEADER # ************************************************************************ # # Trilinos: An Object-Oriented Solver Framework # Copyright (2001) Sandia Corporation # # # Copyright (2001) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract # DE-AC04-94AL85000, there is a non-exclusive license for use of this # work by or on behalf of the U.S. Government. Export of this program # may require a license from the United States Government. # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # 3. Neither the name of the Corporation nor the names of the # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY SANDIA CORPORATION "AS IS" AND ANY # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL SANDIA CORPORATION OR THE # CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR # PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING # NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS # SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # NOTICE: The United States Government is granted for itself and others # acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable worldwide # license in this data to reproduce, prepare derivative works, and # perform publicly and display publicly. Beginning five (5) years from # July 25, 2001, the United States Government is granted for itself and # others acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable # worldwide license in this data to reproduce, prepare derivative works, # distribute copies to the public, perform publicly and display # publicly, and to permit others to do so. # # NEITHER THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, NOR THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT # OF ENERGY, NOR SANDIA CORPORATION, NOR ANY OF THEIR EMPLOYEES, MAKES # ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, OR ASSUMES ANY LEGAL LIABILITY OR # RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ACCURACY, COMPLETENESS, OR USEFULNESS OF ANY # INFORMATION, APPARATUS, PRODUCT, OR PROCESS DISCLOSED, OR REPRESENTS # THAT ITS USE WOULD NOT INFRINGE PRIVATELY OWNED RIGHTS. # # ************************************************************************ # @HEADER TRIBITS_REPOSITORY_DEFINE_TPLS( MKL "cmake/TPLs/" EX yaml-cpp "cmake/TPLs/" EX Peano "cmake/TPLs/" EX CUDA "${${PROJECT_NAME}_TRIBITS_DIR}/core/std_tpls/" ST CUSPARSE "cmake/TPLs/" ST Thrust "cmake/TPLs/" ST Cusp "cmake/TPLs/" ST TBB "cmake/TPLs/" EX Pthread "cmake/TPLs/" PT HWLOC "cmake/TPLs/" ST QTHREAD "cmake/TPLs/" ST BinUtils "${${PROJECT_NAME}_TRIBITS_DIR}/common_tpls/" ST ARPREC "packages/teuchos/cmake/tpls/" ST QD "packages/teuchos/cmake/tpls/" ST MPI "${${PROJECT_NAME}_TRIBITS_DIR}/core/std_tpls/" PT BLAS "${${PROJECT_NAME}_TRIBITS_DIR}/common_tpls/" PT LAPACK "${${PROJECT_NAME}_TRIBITS_DIR}/common_tpls/" PT Boost "${${PROJECT_NAME}_TRIBITS_DIR}/common_tpls/" PT Scotch "cmake/TPLs/" ST OVIS "cmake/TPLs/" ST gpcd "cmake/TPLs/" ST METIS "cmake/TPLs/" TS ParMETIS "cmake/TPLs/" PT PuLP "cmake/TPLs/" EX TopoManager "cmake/TPLs/" EX LibTopoMap "cmake/TPLs/" ST PaToH "cmake/TPLs/" ST CppUnit "cmake/TPLs/" ST ADOLC "cmake/TPLs/" ST ADIC "cmake/TPLs/" EX TVMET "cmake/TPLs/" ST MF "cmake/TPLs/" ST ExodusII "cmake/TPLs/" ST Nemesis "cmake/TPLs/" ST XDMF "cmake/TPLs/" TS Zlib "cmake/TPLs/" PT HDF5 "${${PROJECT_NAME}_TRIBITS_DIR}/common_tpls/" PT CGNS "${${PROJECT_NAME}_TRIBITS_DIR}/common_tpls/" PT Pnetcdf "${${PROJECT_NAME}_TRIBITS_DIR}/common_tpls/" PT Netcdf "${${PROJECT_NAME}_TRIBITS_DIR}/common_tpls/" PT y12m "cmake/TPLs/" ST SuperLUDist "cmake/TPLs/" ST SuperLUMT "cmake/TPLs/" ST SuperLU "cmake/TPLs/" PT Cholmod "cmake/TPLs/" EX UMFPACK "cmake/TPLs/" ST MA28 "cmake/TPLs/" TS AMD "cmake/TPLs/" TS CSparse "cmake/TPLs/" EX HYPRE "${${PROJECT_NAME}_TRIBITS_DIR}/common_tpls/" EX PETSC "${${PROJECT_NAME}_TRIBITS_DIR}/common_tpls/" ST BLACS "cmake/TPLs/" ST SCALAPACK "cmake/TPLs/" ST MUMPS "cmake/TPLs/" ST PARDISO_MKL "cmake/TPLs/" EX PARDISO "cmake/TPLs/" EX Oski "cmake/TPLs/" ST TAUCS "cmake/TPLs/" ST ForUQTK "cmake/TPLs/" EX Dakota "cmake/TPLs/" EX HIPS "cmake/TPLs/" EX MATLAB "cmake/TPLs/" EX CASK "cmake/TPLs/" EX SPARSKIT "cmake/TPLs/" ST QT "packages/teuchos/cmake/tpls/" ST gtest "cmake/TPLs/" EX BoostLib "cmake/TPLs/" PT BoostAlbLib "cmake/TPLs/" ST OpenNURBS "cmake/TPLs/" EX Portals "cmake/TPLs/" ST CrayPortals "cmake/TPLs/" ST Gemini "cmake/TPLs/" ST InfiniBand "cmake/TPLs/" ST BGPDCMF "cmake/TPLs/" ST BGQPAMI "cmake/TPLs/" ST Pablo "cmake/TPLs/" ST HPCToolkit "cmake/TPLs/" ST Clp "cmake/TPLs/" EX GLPK "cmake/TPLs/" EX qpOASES "cmake/TPLs/" EX Matio "cmake/TPLs/" ST PAPI "cmake/TPLs/" ST MATLABLib "cmake/TPLs/" EX Eigen "packages/teuchos/cmake/tpls/" EX X11 "cmake/TPLs/" ST Lemon "cmake/TPLs/" EX GLM "cmake/TPLs/" EX quadmath "cmake/TPLs/" EX CAMAL "cmake/TPLs/" ST RTlib "cmake/TPLs/" ST DLlib "cmake/TPLs/" ST AmgX "cmake/TPLs/" EX CGAL "cmake/TPLs/" EX CGALCore "cmake/TPLs/" EX VTune "cmake/TPLs/" ST TASMANIAN "cmake/TPLs/" EX ArrayFireCPU "cmake/TPLs/" EX SimMesh "SCOREC/cmake/TPLs/" EX SimModel "SCOREC/cmake/TPLs/" EX SimParasolid "SCOREC/cmake/TPLs/" EX SimAcis "SCOREC/cmake/TPLs/" EX SimField "SCOREC/cmake/TPLs/" EX ) # NOTES: # # (*) ParMETIS must be listed after Scotch because the # ParMETIS include directories must come before the # Scotch include directories. #